This is a beta channel, which includes new features not currently available in production. Click here to switch to production

Recent Updates



  • Add WFS fees, seller count & stock levels, verified review count, weight, dimensions, and badges
  • Load buylist items 100 at a time


  • Inventory tags support URLs
  • Make FC ID on pallet labels larger



  • Add Channel filter


Reconcile Order Items (PO features are available on the Enterprise Pro plan. Click here to upgrade!)

  • New view under Prep & Ship for tracking and managing unreceived, missing, damaged, and ineligible items alt text

Manage Inventory Locations

  • New view under Prep & Ship for managing locations in your warehouse to track inventory alt text

Purchase Order

  • Enter Received Qty as the quantity you are receiving each time. No need to do math! alt text
  • Unreceiving displays a dialog for providing reason alt text

Prep & Ship

  • Removing PO item from batch displays a dialog to provide a removal reason alt text


  • Add ability to track items within warehouse. Available on Enterprise Pro, 3PL Enterprise, and Prep Client plans

    • Add new Manage Inventory Locations view under Prep & Ship for managing warehouse locations
    • Add ability to set a location for unreceived items on purchase orders
    • Add ability to receive to a location and track locations of damaged items
  • Add ability to track missing and damaged items. Available on Enterprise Pro, 3PL Enterprise, and Prep Client plans

    • Add ability to provide status, image URL, and note when marking an item missing and/or damaged in Purchase Orders
    • Add ability to provide a reason, status, image URL, and note when removing items from a PO batch in Prep & Ship
    • Add new Reconcile Order Items view under Prep & Ship for managing missing and damaged items


Scheduled Prep Center Report



  • Don't retain price when switching between channels
  • Enhance searching on Walmart when switching from Amazon
  • Add setting to disable autocorrect


Prep & Ship

  • Add setting to print item labels for commingled items

Purchase Order

  • Add setting to print item labels for commingled items


Batch History

  • Sort chronologically
  • Rename Total Quantity to Running Quantity
  • Download file name indicates if period filter is by shipment items

List History

  • Sort chronologically


  • Add net payout and ROI when searching Walmart items

Pack History

  • Sort chronologically


Purchase Order

  • Import Spreadsheet supports notes



  • Use native date inputs and allow manually entering dates on the web version
  • Allow searching items from Variation Viewer
  • Add Scroll to Top button on Accept/Reject Profile screen
  • Better match items between Amazon and Walmart when toggling

Prep & Ship

  • Don't print item labels for commingled items when printing all labels for batches and shipments



  • Integrate with Walmart! After entering Wamart credentials from the settings, seamlessly search items across Amazon and Walmart.
    • Toggle between the two channels
    • Add Walmart items to your buylist
    • Display the channel on buylist items
    • Email Buylist includes the channel to easily upload walmart items to your WFS account
  • Make MSRP a button populate price
  • Move checkboxes in Settings to the left and closer to the corresponding setting

Prep & Ship

  • Add FNSKU to Add to Batch dialog
  • Add ability to convert batch items to case-packed items and visa versa
  • Product links for variation items links directly to the variation detail page


Prep & Ship

  • Print item labels when batch item quantity is incremented and Print item labels when listing setting is on
  • Auto-focus on Quantity input when editing batch items

Purchase Order

  • Auto-focus on Received Quantity input when editing items

Select value when focusing on inputs to easily enter a new value


Source Performance

  • Rename to Supplier Performance
  • Default to last 30 days
  • Add Refund quantity, Net Payout, and ROI
  • Performance enhancements


Prep & Ship

  • Batch-level case-packed setting automatically sets quantity in case == quantity if quantity in case is not provided
  • Link to Amazon Product page when clicking on product image in SKU view

Purchase Order

  • Allow fixing FNSKUs

Integrate with Aura Repricer!


Prep & Ship

  • Keep dialog open when in SKU view and clicking Print Item Labels button
  • Store tracking IDs for each box


Prep & Ship

  • Add shipment plan optimizer. Learn more. Only availible on the Optimizer Prime addon.
  • Combine all batch item filters into dropdown and clean-up styling
  • Add Split Type and Label Type batch item filters
  • Add batch-level case-packed setting. Note: It will automatically set quantity in case == quantity and overrides quantity in case if provided.
  • Improve Shipment Plan dialog style

Batch History

  • Add total box count and shipment tags to summary


Prep & Ship

  • Add sorting batch items by size tier


Prep & Ship

  • Placement Fee (in batch summary) enhancements
    • Add calculator button next to Placement Fee (and Estimate button in dropdown) to manually load the fees
    • Add setting to include items in shipments
    • Persist placement fee settings
  • Add net payout and ROI in dialog when listing individually


Bulk Inventory Update

  • A new screen to bulk update min/max price and inventory tags!

Prep & Ship

  • Add Placement Fee to batch summary. Requires the ScanPowerBar Chrome extension
  • Add Net Payout to batch summary and shipment summary if shipment was created in ScanPower
  • Removed Carryover batches. All error items will remain in the original batch
  • Show Add to Batch button in dialog's footer and automatically focus on Quantity input when listing individually and there is only one item. Hitting "Enter" while an input is focused adds the item to the batch

Purchase Order

  • Show Add to Purchase Order button in dialog's footer and automatically focus on Quantity input when listing individually and there is only one item. Hitting "Enter" while an input is focused adds the item to the purchase order

Manage UPC Mapping

  • Show Add to Mapping button in dialog's footer and automatically focus on Quantity input when listing individually and there is only one item. Hitting "Enter" while an input is focused adds the item to the mapping


Prep & Ship

  • Support shift click when selecting boxes in Print Box Labels
  • Save inventory tags even when shipments are imported

Integrate with Viably, a digital banking platform and working capital provider, designed to help ecommerce sellers scale.



  • New design!
  • Updated Sales and Profit graph to show last 30 days

Inventory Performance

  • New design!
  • Display product images in the details

Sales & Profit (previously known as Sales Report)

  • New design!
  • Display product images in the details
  • Add ability to show/hide Categories, Shoppers, Sources, and Shipments graphs
  • Add Add Refund Count and Quantity Sold to details


Sales Report

  • Add ability to update COGS

Prep & Ship and Purchase Order

  • Prep & Ship settings only shows label types available for selected printer
  • Respect the selected label type and generate a PDF when no printer is selected


Expirations Report

  • Exclude sold expiration dates
  • Add Batch and Shipment columns

Sales Report

  • Add Units Sold in summary
  • Add Days to Sell to details
  • Calculate average cost for missing COGS


Prep & Ship

  • Add ability to cancel shipments when editing

Scheduled Prep Center Report

Daily/weekly email prep client report. Includes total ordered, received/prepped, and shipped by client. Email to get it setup!



  • Add Brand column

Inventory Management

  • Add "All" filter

Prep & Ship

  • Add inventory tags to batch detail download



  • Add Search Type filter to buylist to filter specifically for ASIN, Title, UPC/EAN/ISBN, or Source



  • Fix in-stock variation throttling. No longer need to prompt
  • Add Estimated Monthly Sales
Ancient history: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014